Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Thanksgiving Break

  In this Thanksgiving break, I went back to Guangzhou China, where is my hometown. I had  a lot of fun there. I ate breakfast tea, watched a movie with my friends and had a field trip with my familly. The most happy thing was the field trip, because I did not go out with my family for a long time. We went to Huizhou, where is a courtyside near Guangzhou. The air there was very clean and had a lot of trees and farms. It was great to leave a city for a while, that you can enjoy the nature. Also, because there was not wifi, I could not play my phone. But I had more time that I could talk with my family about the my 3 months in America. We stayed in Huizhou fro 2 days, we visted some farms and ate local foods. Before we left, my father bought a lot vegetables and 3 chickens from a farmer. The vegetables were very fresh, green and delicious. And the chickens were strong, my father put them in our garden when we back at home and fed them. Those chickens were very clever, after you let them went to find foods, they would go back to the boxes where they slept. It was not common for me to see live chickens, I thought it was very interesting to keep the chickens in my house. I felt like I was a farmer. 

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