Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Book Review: Gathering Of Pearls

Rujian, Zhou
English II
Mrs. Guarino
Sookan’s Spirits
“Taking the suffering, and creating a pearl around the pain.” The book Gathering Of Pearls gives us an example of a Korean girl’s life in America. The girl’s name is Sookan, she is an 18 years old Korean girl who goes to America for studying. She has faced many difficulties in school and personal life in her first year in America. Gathering Of Pearls tells us not only about how Sookan overcomes her difficulties but also her spirit, which she is always hard-working and friendly to everyone.
Sookan does not come from a rich family, she goes to college by the scholarship. Because of this, Sookan has a lot of pressures. For example, she needs to complete all her subjects for a high grade. This is one of the major problem she faced at the whole year, because of her poor English. Sookan has to spend much more time than other students in studying. She always reads books and she has not time to stay with her friends Ellen and Marci. Also, the scholarship requires her to work in school. She wishes dishes and cleans the tables in school dining hall. Because of the homework and the scholarship works, Sookan has nearly no free time everyday. Moreover, Sookan does babysitting for professor Bennett's family, because she need money for herself that she can buy some presents for her family.
All of these works make Sookan’s life extremely busy, but she received many good replays. For example, Sister Reed considers Sookan is one of the best student and gives Sookan a very precious pearl necklace. Also, Sookan knows many people from the scholarship work, she know other scholarship student and Peggy who is the captain of waitresses. Moreover, Sookan’s work is praised by professor Bennett's. After she cleaned professor Bennett’s garden, Mr and Mrs Bennett were grateful for her work and send her flowers.
Sookan has a lot of good qualities that helps her as well as her friends. She convinced Ellen do not elope with her boyfriend Kyle, and she comforted Marci when Marci had an argument with her parents. Because of all of her kindness, she has a lot of friends in college. When I read about she held a Christmas party and invited Marci, Ellen, Sister Reed and Bennett’s family to come, I can feel that everyone there loves Sookan. hey trust her and they think Sookan is one of important member of them.
At the end of the year, Sookan achieves many things. She grows up, she becomes more independent and she adapt the life in America. In my opinion, all of these are because of Sookan’s unique sprite. There is no one else in Sookan’s college that like her, she always pushed herself so hard to work and she never been rude to anyone. Even though Sookan was fainted because of all those works, the first thing she thought when she woke up was her grade and tests. It is hard to believe that a person can be such hard working, but Sookan did that.
Sookan did exactly what her mother wrote her in a letter “Taking the suffering, and creating a pearl around the pain.” Sookan has many sufferings in her life, but her efforts in studying and her kindhearted help her to overcome them. Then Sookan’s life become better and better. She has many friends and improve her grades at the end of the year. Sookan is one of the kind!

In conclusion, Gathering Of Pearls teaches me a lot, I know that people’s payouts will be replied at last. And I admired Sookan, there are so many things I can learn from her too. At last, Gathering Of Pearls is a book that deserves to read, especially you are an international students. You will find many similarities between you and Sookan and you will find out how good this book is.

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