Sunday, May 22, 2016

Spring Show Review

Rujian, Zhou
Behind The Spotlights
To many people, the show on the stage is amazing. People admire the actors in front of the spotlights, but they do not how hard the actors and crews work for a show. The real show is always behind the spotlight.
We just finish our spring show Comedy Tonight this week. This time, I am no longer an audience who watch the show, I become one of the stage crew members in the show who control the lights. It is a magical experience to become one of the members in drama. I learn that there is nothing can be done in a second. I see this show from its beginning to the end. I and other crew members find the clothes and props for the show at first. Then with the help of Jack Jack, I know much more about the lights and the arts in the lights. Jack Jack is one of the people who love theater from their heart. I still remember Jack Jack, I and Mrs. Guarino worked in the black box until 10 o’clock in the evening. It is one of the best night for me, I feel so happy that I choose to do light in the theater!
During this two shows for all the members in school, I had been through a lot of things and I noticed many important things. Firstly, the first show at Friday was a nightmare for me. I was so nervous because it was my first show. So during that show, I made so many mistakes that I regret about them every time. Fortunately, the actors did a great job at the same time. Because I went through the show many times, I found out that actors forgot their words sometimes. But they are all talented that they all covered up each other when they forgot the lines. In this way, audiences would never know there was a mistake unless we tell them. I was impressive by all the actors as well as Mrs. Monahan’s quick responses to solve many accidents in the show. They saved the show many times in both two nights.
After the first show, I felt so bad to all of the people in the show because of my mistakes. Even though Mrs. Guarino, Mrs. Monahan, and Jack Jack’s words made me feel better, I still could not control myself to think about the play all the time. At the second day, I decided I would do everything I can to make the second show better. So I came to the Black Box, check the light’s cues again and again until I remembered them all. Even though I remembered them, I checked the light’s cues during the shows again and again, because I did not want to make mistakes again. After all, Saturday's show was better than Friday. I did my best as I could in that show, and I had a good result that I wanted.
In conclusion, it is really hard to make a perfect show, there are actors, crews, lights and sounds that need to control all the time. I think these two shows both has something good and something that need to improve. But after all, all the members of the show brought true happy to all the audiences. For me, the show is not only the part on the stage, but behind all the spotlights. Thank to all the people in this show!

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