Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Image of Fig

1. To the writer's father, fig means more than an actual fig tree. Like mother says " what a dreamer he is." We know that father has a dream. Father's dream is not as simple as planting a normal fig tree, but to have "the largest, fattest, sweetest fig in the world." From this, I think father has some ambitions in his mind. Father does not want to be a normal person, he wants to become a great person which some great achievements that can let other people admire. So to father, fig means his dream of his whole life, and his ambition to achieve something that is very hard to achieve for normal people.

2. In the poem, the fig tree symbolize author father and father's dream. In the writer's mind, fig tree is the symbol of his father, who always talk about fig. Writer's father love gif tree very much, and when he has the best fig tree in the world, he is very happy and sings songs. Also, fig symbolizes dreams. Father's dream is to have "the largest, fattest, sweetest fig in the world." So to the writer, the fig tree symbolize dreams. Also, the fig connects the whole poem together. It connects the stories from different years in to one poem, and tells the reader about dreams.

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