Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Poem I Like

Rujian, Zhou
The Poem I Like
   Yesterday, I found an interesting poem about a cat, which was My Cat written by Leanne Guenther. When I first read it, I found this was the poem that I liked immediately.
The Cat is a short poem, which only has a few sentences. The whole poem is “It’ll be five days or maybe six, Before I get my laptop fixed. Gosh, I think it would be nice – If my cat would just eat mice. Unfortunately in my house – She likes to kill my cordless mouse!” It tells a story about a cat eats her owner’s cordless mouse that used for the computer. This annoyed her owner because the cat does not eat the real mouse, but eats a cordless mouse. The poem tells a funny story about the cat, which made me laugh when I first read it. Because this poem lets me feel there are a lot of common points with the author. I know that cats sometimes annoy their owners because they never do want they want. But these are also the things which make cats more adorable because I think the funniest thing you can see is a cat being stupid and make some mistakes. Those mistakes let me laugh and forget to punish the cat. This poem perfectly describes the cat let her owner annoyed, but also let me think the cat is so adorable.
This is a short poem but well written. It has “AA BB CC” form, which has the rhymes like “six - fixed”; “nice - mice”; and “house - mouse”. It has 8 syllables in all 3 stanzas, which each stanza has 2 lines. In total, there are 3 sentences in the poem, it is a very short poem. The poem does not have many repetitions because its length. But it emphasizes mouse, to show that there is the real mouse and the fake, cordless mouse for a laptop. This poem pays attention to humor, which the whole poem is telling a funny story to make people laugh. I laugh because I was impressive the expressions that author uses to describe this event and the “annoying” cat.
This is the poem I like. I like its meaning, its event, and the cat in the story. It is a poem that makes people laugh and give people happiness. It can treat people from heavy works in a day. This is the poem I like.

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