Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Image of Pobby and Dingan

    Pobby and Dingan are image nerdy friend of Kellyanne, Pobby is a boy and Dingan is a girl. I think Pobby is a very outgoing boy who always want to have some adventures in his life. He likes to play outside, collecting small opals around the claims and build his own rock castle by the rocks. I think Pobby acts like this because the father "brings" both Pobby and Dingan to his claim. To children, it is hard to let them go to an adult's workplace unless they are interesting in something there. So I think Pobby maybe like to play with the rocks around the claim, and Dingan is just staying with him in the claim.
    On the other hand, Dingan is a little bit shy. She does not talk a lot and she always stands at the back of Kellyanne or Pobby. She is afraid of talking to strangers, but not her friends. I think Dingan is a shy girl because once there is an old man asks Kellyanne “G-day, Kellyanne, g-day, Pobby, and how’s Miss Dingan doin’ today?” The old man asks Pobby first, which shows Pobby is more outgoing, then he asks Dinagn with "Miss Dingan". The old person adds "miss" before Dingan maybe because Dingan is not very familiar with him. More importantly, the person asks about Pobby and Kellyanne before Dingan, which shows Dingan stands behind them.
    In total, both Pobby and Dingan think Kellyanne is their best friend forever and the most dependable person she knows. Besides this, they do not want to leave Kellyanne at all because they always stay together. Ashmol records that Kellyanne always talks with Pobby and Dingan and three of them are very close friends. So I think all of the three people takes each other as one of the most important people in their lives. Kellyanne gets sick badly because of the loss of Pobby and Dingan, so I think Pobby and Dingan will also get so depressed if Kellyanne is gone.
    I think Pobby is a very naughty eight years old boy with short golden hair. He smiles a lot, and you can see his white teeth. Pobby has a pair of light blue eyes like the most beautiful opal in the world. I get this image of Pobby because many cartoon characters who are outgoing look like this way. Furthermore, Dingan will be an Asian  girl who has long black hair. She has a pair of big brown eyes with a black glasses on her eyes. I think Dingan looks like this way because she is not outgoing and little shy.

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