Monday, February 29, 2016

Favourite Character

  My favourite character in the show is Ti Moune. She is a very brave girl who always challenging herself. She is not afraid of the common rules like "A peasant girl can not fall in love with the homme". Even when she faces the goddenesses, she still stronge enough to follow her own mind. When all the peasants leave Daniel to die, she shows up and saves Daniel. When Daniel is back to his house, she crosses the mountain to see him. And after Ti Moune is dead, she becomes a tree that break the gate, and make the young people can have their true loves. Moreover, Ti Moune shows her kindness to all the homme at the dance. She do not bordered by the differences in classes, and she treats all the people in the same way. Even though Daniel refuses her, Ti Moune does not kill Daniel like the Dead God suggests her to do. In conclusion, I like Ti Moune because she has a very stronge heart in doing the thing she chose, and it is very brave of her to break the old rules.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Review of Winter Musical

Rujian, Zhou

A Great Musical Show
Music can always beautifies the story, so it can not be better than using music to tell a story. The Musical Once On This Island presents by Cheshire Academy BlackBox Theater uses music to tell a story of love and pain at this weekend. It is a very attractive show that brings all the audiences to a magical journey at the island.
Firstly, it tells a love story between a peasant girl Ti Moune and a wealth young man Daniel. The four goddesses of the island give Ti Moune a journey that will give her what she hopes - a better life as well as a man she loves. Ti Moune falls in love with the grand homme Daniel. She takes care of him when he is injured in the car accident, and she crossed the mountain to see him when all the people around her all disagree with her. At the end, Daniel marries with another homme but not Ti Moune. Ti Moune’s heart is broken by the gap between rich and poor, and she becomes a tree where break the great gate and watch the new generations grown up.
Like other love story, the ending is very sad but meaningful. It reminds us about the social orders and the vanity of the higher level societies. We all pity Ti Moune who is such a kind, brave girl but lose her true love. It is depressive when those matter such as money, reputation and consanguinity stop people’s ways from happiness. Even though Ti Moune can not stay with Daniel, but her faith of loving is so deep and strong that impressive the goddesses. She becomes the tree, the symbol of the breaker of the class differences. More importantly, she as the tree witnesses the hopeful future - a peasant girl and a homme boy live together at the end. This ending is excellent, it gives all the audiences a bright future and let Ti Moune’s sacrifice honorable.
Beside the story, I am impressed by many other things in the show. For example, music is one of the most important parts of the show. It is surprisingly to hear many of my classmates and friends singing on the stage. And their songs are very professional and moving. Also, Ms. DiGiacomo pays her full attentions in conducting our musicians. I saw her wave her hands widely in other side, and she seems very attentive in her conducting. With those live music, the show feels more realistic and alive. Moreover, I notice that the light effects are also very important in the show. The light changes with the story and makes up the environment in the show. I never notice this before. Lastly, I think it is very cleaver to tell the audience the background information by a lecture, such as the history of the island. In this way, the audiences know the information in a flexible way that do not break the story.
I getting more and more interesting in the theater. I am curious about how those shows like Peter Pan and Once On This Island are made up. I knows that all the crew of the show works very hard, and their hard work make this show successfully. I see all of their happy faces when I walk through them after the shoe. I can tell that all of them are proud of themselves and they value this show very much. I am also very happy because I chose to be one of them - joining the theater in the spring. I know it will be very hard and have to spend a lot time to make a show, but it will worth it after all.
In conclusion, I am proud of our school because we can have such a interesting show casts by our own school members. I am looking forward to join the theater!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Writing Center 2

Rujian. Zhou
I visited the writing center at this afternoon. It was my second time to visit it, which I went there for the critical analysis essay which compares the novel Me And You and the movie The Judge that I chose, and I learnt more things than last time.
Before I went to the writing center, I went to the library to print out my essay, which was very helpful for both Ms.Swift and me to make correction on it. Also, I prepared some questions to Ms.Swift. For example, I asked her about my thesis statement, which I had a lot of trouble to write it at first, because I need to summary and analysis a lot things in just one sentences. I was not sure about my thesis statement can express my thinking very well. Then Ms.Swift looked at my thesis statement which was “The power of love is always the strongest that can not be broken”. She agreed with me that this thesis statement need to change because it is too weak.
She suggested me to think about the novel and the movie in total. She first asked me about the story of the movie The judge. After I told her the story, she immediately wrote down some characteristic of Hank and his father. Both Lorenzo and Hank fear to something. For Lorenzo, he is afraid of being connection with others; and Hank is feared to face his family because he was responsible for the car accident happened before. And I can make more analysis around their fear. I was surprised about this idea, because I had never thought about this before. I was stuck into those common ideas such as love and familyship, and Ms.Swift’s words helped me have more idea about the essay.
Ms.Swift started to read my introduction paragraph very carefully. She did not just giving me her idea, but ask me what was my idea and what me want to tell in the sentences. Then she discussed my idea and make them more simply as well as express more clearly. She suggested me to use word “wisdom” instead of “wise”, which helped me to start my arguments. Then, based on what we discussed about Lorenzo and Hank’s fear, we came out a new, powerful thesis statement “True strength takes place when people overcome their fear and pain to connect with others.” I think this thesis statement is more suitable for my essay and my thinking.
Then we looked over the whole essay. I told Ms.Swift every sentences’ meaning - why I write them, then we talked about are they necessary for my essay or not. As a result, I deleted many useless and repeated sentences in my essay. Then I found out the essay turned out great, it became more focus on the thesis statement and it is very easy to read.
I got a lot of help in the writing center this time. The printed essay and those question turned out great in discussing the essay. More important, Ms.Swift introduced a new understanding of both novel and the movie, concluded my thinking as well. Also, when she explained her suggestions. She used a lot of examples in her life. Such as she used driving in highway to explain the fear Lorenzo and Hank. I could understand them easier and got the main point. The most impressive thing for me was how Ms.Swift is thinking. She has a lot of great ideas in her mind, but instead of telling them to me directly, she talks with me first, then tell me her suggestions to make my ideas better. In this way, I still have my own idea, but it is more refined and suitable for my essay.

Now, I need to work more on my essay because I am having a new thesis statement and there are many things I need to correct on my essay. In conclusion, I learnt a lot from Ms.Swift this afternoon. I hope I could go there earlier which I can have more time to correct the essay. I am looking forward to completed a great essay!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Reflection on Revised Draft

It is never easy to write a good essay, because it always takes you a lot of time to check the essay in order to improving it. For my revise draft of the analysis essay, I completed about 60% of the essay. I still need to work on the analysis part about the movie The Judge, as well as the comparison between the novel Me And You and The Judge.
In addition to fixing the grammar mistakes in the revise draft, I changed many other things. Firstly, I looked over my introduction again and again. Then, I make some corrections in the sentences, which let them more clearly and fluently to others. Moreover, I even changed my thesis statement in to "The power of love is always the strongest that can not be broken." It is shorter and clearer comparing to the last thesis statement. I did not delete my old thesis statement, I left it in the introduction which I think it provides refined summaries about both the movie and the novel. Secondly, I read about ,my body paragraphs carefully. I fix some grammar mistakes as well as those mistakes that Min told me in his feed back, which was really helpful to me. Because my main purpose of the revising was to write more analyses in the essay, I deleted a lot of boring summary sentences and added analysis sentences into the paragraph. Also, because of I had a new thesis statement which is easy to make connections, I can write some analysis which related to the thesis statement. Thirdly, I broke a long paragraph into two small paragraph. In this way, the essay can be more tidy and easier to understand. Furthermore, I add the topic sentences to every paragraphs as well as ending sentences. At last, I made a transition paragraph to begin writing the analysis about the Movie The Judge.
Even though I did a lot of works in this revised draft, there are many other things I need to work on. Most importantly, my grammar. Grammar is always my problem in writing an essay, I think I need more time to check my sentences carefully. Also, I think my new thesis statement is still too weak and I can make some changes in it. On the other hand, I think it is also important for me to finish the essay. Because when I finish the essay, I can know better about the connections between my body paragraphs and the thesis statement. Then I can change the thesis statement into a stronger and more relative to the essay.
The grammar mistakes and lack of analysis sentences in my essay are my weakness which I need to spend more time on them. On the other hand, I completed half of the essay which give me less pressure about it; also, I felt much better about the analysis in the revise draft; lastly, Min helped me check many of the grammar mistakes that helps the essay more neat. Those are the strengths of the essay. It was very difficult for me to write more analysis sentences than summary sentences. It is very easy for me to write the summaries, and I think I found some good quotes in the novel. In the revise draft, I changed a lot of sentences into analysis sentence, this is my biggest improvement in the essay so far.
In conclusion, I feel this will be a very good essay. Also, I still need to make more analysis in the essay.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Analysis Essay: Revised Draft

Rujian, Zhou
True Strength
What is true strength? I think that the true strength is not just simple as a great power, but the wise and intellect to use the great power. Both of Lorenzo in Me And You and Hank Palmer in The Judge are the people who has great ability in someway, but they are antisocial and ruthless people who never shows their real feelings. Fortunately, the people around them changes them. Lorenzo is changed by his step sister Olivia and Hank is changed by his family members. As a result, both of them becomes grown men who learn that the true strength comes from firm mind in improving themselves, challenging themselves, as well as protect those people they love. The power of love is always the strongest that can not be broken.
Even though there are many differences between a movie and a novel, the story and the main points of them can be similar. The novel Me And You and the movie The Judge have a lot common in their main character as well as ideas.
Firstly, the novel Me And You is about an Italian boy Lorenzo who is an empathetic person who only thinking about himself, because the other people are irrelevant of him. In Lorenzo’s mind, people around him are all “Others”, which “The others were anyone who wasn't my mum, my father and grandma Laura” (Ammaniti 24). As a result, Lorenzo does not have true friends in school and he never opens his heart to any people. In spite of this, Lorenzo is actually a talented kid. For example, Lorenzo lied to his mother about he will go to a ski week with his classmate Alessia Roncato who is very popular in class. To continue this lie, Lorenzo makes a very detailed and thoughtful plan, he hides in the basement under for his “ski week”. He stores foods, water and games that he can play in the cellar. Furthermore, he tricks his mother that let him go to Alessia’ house alone, and finally he returns in the basement without anybody know. Since Lorenzo has the ability to design such a precise and successful plan, it clearly determines that Lorenzo is actually a brilliant kid and an excellent actors. Moreover, when he tries to trick his mother, he thinks “I had one last card to play” (Ammaniti 17). It proves that Lorenzo also has deep and scheming thinking in his mind. Even though Lorenzo has many great talents, he never thinks about other people.
After that, Lorenzo meets Olivia, who is his “half-sister” and the person who makes him change and inspires him the right way to use his talent. Olivia was a very beautiful girl when Lorenzo met her two years ago, Lorenzo thinks that “Instead she was incredibly beautiful, one of those girls that as soon as you look at them your face burns red and everybody knows you think she is beautiful”(Ammaniti 70). However, she loses a lot weights and seems to have heavy illness now. This is because Olivia is a heroin addict and she is suffered by the withdrawal of the drugs. Olivia seems to be the girl who also does not not how to deal with other people like Lorenzo.
Lorenzo changes a lot during the time he stays with Olivia, it is not only about his attitude towards Olivia, but also Lorenzo as a person becomes aware of the true strength. At the beginning, Lorenzo thinks Olivia is very annoyed person and a block, because she vomits, scratches herself which is noisy as well as Olivia breaks his “perfect plan”. However, after staying with Olivia for a few days, Lorenzo feels pity to Olivia. Lorenzo finds out that he and Olivia share many things in common, such as both of them can not disagree with their parents. When Olivia keeps in poor health and she is dying. Lorenzo sees her grandmother Laura who is dying in hospital from Olivia. Lorenzo feels helpless and powerless because he can not do anything for grandma Laura. Lorenzo thinks this is his chance to show his strength, and to prove his ability. Therefore he decides to find medicine for Olivia to refill his helpless and powerless. This is the first time that Lorenzo cares about others. Lorenzo comes out from his comfort zone - his little world in the basement and tries to do something great - to save his sister’s life, even though his “perfect plan” about ski week maybe explode. At this time, Lorenzo clearly shows his brave and warm heart to the readers. Lorenzo is not wearing the invisible mask anymore, he shows his true feeling - his love towards Olivia. He sounds like a superhero who is going to save the heroine when he says “I’ll take care of everything. You stay here, I’ll be back soon”(Ammaniti 112) to Olivia. In addition to this, Lorenzo also shows his braves and intelligence in the process of finding medicines. Such as sneaking into hospital and going back to basement without let Silver Monkey know. After Olivia gets medicine from Lorenzo, she becomes much better. Because of this, Lorenzo feels very proud of himself and gains confidence. Lorenzo knows that he has the ability save someone’s life, and this is the right way to use his strength. Therefore, Lorenzo’s change deeply related with his step sister irrefutably.
Ten years after that, Lorenzo becomes much more talkative and mature. When he meets with Olivia in Cividale del Friuli, he talks and treats to other people elegantly and politely, like a gentleman. Lorenzo says to the waitress very politely, like “Thank you” (Ammaniti 5), as well as to the man at the last “Can I stay with her” (Ammaniti 152). These significant changes determines that Lorenzo is not the merciless wired boy anymore, he is a responsible grown up man now. As a grown man Lorenzo knows the true strength is not used to fool his mother, it is used to take cave his family, the people who he loves.  In my opinion, Lorenzo’s courage and passion on save the person he love in the story is the true strength, and it is very brave of him to save his sister.
People can change because one person as well as many people, it is not important about the number of the people, but how they change. The movie The Judge’s main character Hank Palmer also has revolutionary changes that infect his whole life, but he changes not only because one person like Lorenzo does, he changes because many people, specifically, his family members.

The main character in movie The Judge Hank Palmer is a gifted lawyer in Chicago, but he is also very solitary. He helps those scums of a community get away from the punishment of law, because of “Innocent people can’t afford me”. In addition to this, he thinks it fine about knowing every person he represents is guilty. Hank feels not shameful about being against to the law, and he seems to be very narcissism about himself because he has the ability to confound black and white. Moreover, Hank and his father Joseph Palmer, who is the judge of Hank’s small hometown Carlinville alienated each other for over 20 years. This traces back to an accident happened when Hank was 17 years old, which makes Hank’s elder brother Glen Palmer lose his bright future in baseball. As these plots show, Hank is a person that has powerful skills in his life, but he is too arrogant and do not show solicitude for other people. Hank has a very successful life in normal people’s eyes, he says “I do it in a Tempur-Pedic bed, in a Highland Park home with a Ferrari, next to a lovely wife” to his co-worker. Despite of these shinny outlooks of Hank, Hank is very similar to Lorenzo, which both of them are clever, but they are stupid in some ways.

Monday, February 22, 2016

My Favorite Sentence

"Hank feels not shameful about againsting the law, and he seems to be very narcissism about himself because he has the ability to confound black and white."

I like this sentence because I use a quote from Chinese, which is "confound black and white" to describe Hank, which he lets the guilty person get away from the right judgement from the law. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Analysis Essay: 1st Draft

Rujian, Zhou
True Strength
What is true strength? I think that the true strength is not just simple as a great power of people, but the ability to overcome ourselves and protect the people we love. Both of Lorenzo in Me And You and Hank Palmer in The Judge show their true strength in those ways. They change from antisocial and ruthless people to grown men who willing to help other; they learn that the true strength comes from firm mind in improving themselves, challenging themselves, as well as protect those people they love. The power of love is always the strongest that can help you overcome a lot of difficulties.
Even though there are many differences between a movie and a novel, the story and the main points of them can be the same. The novel Me And You and the movie The Judge have a lot common in their ideas.
Firstly, the novel Me And You is about an Italian boy Lorenzo who a very empathetic person who only thinking about himself. He thinks that people around him are “Others”, which “The others were anyone who wasn't my mum, my father and grandma Laura” (Ammaniti 24). So Lorenzo seldom think for other people because they are irrelevant of him. Furthermore, Lorenzo lied to his mother about he will go to a ski week with his classmate Alessia Roncato who is very popular in class. To continue this lie, Lorenzo makes a very detailed and thoughtful plan, he hides in the basement under for his “ski week”. He stores foods, water and PlayStation in the cellars, he treats his mother let him go to Alessia’ house alone, and finally he returns in the basement without anybody know. We can know that Lorenzo is a very talented boy, he has the ability to design the plan and succeed the plan. When he tries to trick his mother, he thinks “I had one last card to play” (Ammaniti, p17), he is a very deep and scheming thinking person. Even though Lorenzo has some great talents, he never thinks about other people.
After that, Lorenzo meets Olivia, who is his step sister and the person who makes him changes and let he know his value in the world. Olivia was a very beautiful girl when Lorenzo met her two years ago, Lorenzo thinks that “Instead she was incredibly beautiful, one of those girls that as soon as you look at them your face burns red and everybody knows you think she is beautiful” (Ammaniti 70). But she loses a lot weights and seems to have heavy illness now. Olivia is suffered by drugs, she is a heroin addict. Olivia seems to be the girl who also do not not how to deal with other people like Lorenzo. At the beginning, Lorenzo thinks Olivia is very annoyed, because she vomiting, scathing herself as well as she break his “perfect plan”.  But after staying with Olivia in the cellar for a few days, Lorenzo feels pity to Olivia because Lorenzo finds out that he and Olivia shares many things in common. Such as they both have problem with their family, school and society. Olivia keeps in poor health and she is dying. Lorenzo sees Olivia like her grandmother Laura who is dying in hospital. Lorenzo feels helpless because he can not do anything for grandma Laura. So he decide to find medicine for Olivia to show his strength. This is the first time that Lorenzo thinks about others, he comes out from his little world in the basement and tried to save his sister’s life with the dangerous of expose his lie. Even though it is just a small event that Lorenzo goes finding medicine and saves Olivia, Lorenzo show his love towards Olivia. In addition, Lorenzo also shows his braves and intelligence in the process of finding medicines. Such as sneak into hospital and go back to basement without let Silver Monkey know. Lorenzo comes out from his comfort zone, and use his power to save the person he cares about. After he gets the medicine for Olivia, Olivia becomes much better. And Lorenzo feels very proud of himself and gains confidence. Lorenzo knows his value that he can save someone’s life, and he success in doing that. This is the beginning of Lorenzo’s changes.
10 years latter Lorenzo become more talkative and mature. When he meets with Olivia, he talks and treats to other people politely, like a gentleman. Lorenzo says to the waitress very politely, like “Thank you” (Ammaniti 5), as well as to the man at the last“Can I stay with her” (Ammaniti 152). In my opinion, he changes from the merciless wired boy to a responsible grown up man. Then he knows the true strength is not used to fool his mother but to take cave his family, the people who he loves. This changes not only comes from his regrets about his grandma Laura, but also his personal courage and passion on save the person he love. I think what Lorenzo shows in the story is the true strength, and it is very brave of him to save his sister.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Critical Analysis Essay: Me And You & The Judge

Rujian, Zhou
True Strength
What is true strength? I think that true strength is not just simple as great power of people, but the ability to overcome ourselves and protect people we love. The main characters in the novel Me And You and the movie The Judge show their true strength in those ways. Both of Lorenzo in Me And You and Hank Palmer in The Judge change from antisocial and ruthless people to grown men who willing to help other; they learn that the true strength comes from firm mind in improving themselves, challenge themselves to come out of their comfort zone, as well as protect those people they love. The power of life is always the strongest that can help you overcome a lot of difficulties.
Even though there are many differences between a movie and a novel, the story and the main points of their writers can be the same. The novel Me And You and the movie The Judge have a lot common in their ideas.
The novel Me And You tells about how an Italian boy Lorenzo changes because of saving his half sister Olivia. In the story, Lorenzo is a very emphatic person who only thinking about himself. He thinks that people around him are “Others”, which “The others were anyone who wasn't my mum, my father and grandma Laura” (Ammaniti, p24). Lorenzo seldom think for other people because they are irrelevant of him. Furthermore, Lorenzo lied to his mother about he will go to a ski week with his classmate Alessia Roncato who is very popular in class. To continue this lie, Lorenzo made a very detailed and thoughtful plan, which he will hide in the basement under his house for the ski week. He stores foods, water and PlayStation in the cellars, he treats his mother let him go to Alessia’ house alone, and finally he returns in the basement without anybody know. We can know that Lorenzo is a very talented boy, he has the ability to design the plan and succeed the plan. When he tries to trick his mother, he thinks “I had one last card to play” (Ammaniti, p17), he is a very deep and scheming thinking person.
After that, Lorenzo plan keeps going well until an uninvited person shows up, which is Lorenzo’s step sister Olivia. Olivia was a very beautiful girl when Lorenzo met her two years ago. But Olivia lose a lot weights and seems to have heavy illness with her now. Olivia is suffered by drugs, she is a heroin addict. At the beginning, Lorenzo thinks Olivia is very annoyed, because she vomiting, scathing herself as well as she break his “perfect plan”.  But after staying with Olivia in the cellar for a few days, Lorenzo feels pity to Olivia because both of they have problems with dealing with other people as well as studying in school.
Then Lorenzo can not bear with Olivia keeps in poor health anymore, and he also sees Olivia like her grandmother Laura. Grandma Laura is so sick that she is dying, and Lorenzo can not do anything for her. So he decide to find medicine for her. This is the first time that Lorenzo thinks about others, he comes out from his little world in the basement and tried to save his sister’s life, with the dangerous of expose his lie to his mother. Here, Lorenzo makes one of the biggest decision in his life and it is also where Lorenzo changes. Lorenzo would not help other people like this before, this is the first time that he comes out from his comfort zone, and cares about others from his heart. After he gets the medicine for Olivia, both Olivia and Lorenzo celebrates, and have a little party. They talks about their past stories in a lake and dance together. I think this is the first time that Lorenzo opens his mind to talks with others, he changes step by step. Olivia promised to Lorenzo that she won't take drugs anymore, and left a note to Lorenzo before she’s gone. At the end of the story, Olivia dies because of an overtake 10 years latter. When Lorenzo comes to see her last time, Lorenzo becomes very mutual. He talks and treats to other people politely, like a gentleman. After the days in cellar with Olivia, Lorenzo changes from the merciless wired boy to a responsible grown up man. After Lorenzo meets with Olivia, he definitely changes. This changes not only comes from his regret about feels helpless and useless about his grandma Laura's sick, but also his personal courage and passion on save the person he love. I think what Lorenzo shows in the story is the true strength.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Yubin's Thesis Statement

The novel Me And You and the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind portrays two main character Lurenzo and XXX hope to find true love in their lives, and the hopes support them to improve themselves into open minded, carrying people.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thesis Statement 2

Thesis statement:

Both Lorenzo in the Book Me And You and Hank Palmer in the movie The Judge change from antisocial and ruthless people to the people who willing to help other and grown up; they learn that the true strength comes from firm mind in improving themselves as well as protecting the people they care very much.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Analysis Essay Thesis Statement & Outline

Rujian, Zhou
Me And You: Analysis Essay Outline
Thesis statement:
The story of Me And You and The Judge tells our not only how the main character Lorenzo and Hank change, but also about their struggles with their family and the people who they love. They challenge themselves, get out of their comfort zones to face their problems, in order to save the people they loves. It is true that the power of love is unstoppable.

1st Paragraph
  • Introduction: Brief summary about the story of Me And You and The Judge
  • Thesis Statement

2nd Paragraph
  • Connecting with Introduction (1st Paragraph)
  • Summary about Me And You. Talks about the main line of the story, the main characters Lorenzo and Olivia. Pay more attention on the process of changing of Lorenzo (What happen to Lorenzo and what does he change.)
3rd Paragraph
  • Analysis of Me And You. Why Lorenzo changes and what does Olivia do in the process
  • The days with Olivia in the cellar make Lorenzo changes from the antisocial little boy to a helpful, grown up young man. Lorenzo realizes how weak he is when his grandmother Laura gets sick, so he decides to help his sister Olivia who is tormented by drugs.
4th Paragraph
  • Started a new chapter about movie The Judge.
  • Summary of The Judge. The main Characters: Hank Palmer, who is a lawyer only cares about money; Hank’s father, the town judge Joseph Palmer. What happen to them: Hank’s father is charged for a murder in the town and Hank tries to let his father “Not guilty in his way” What does Hank change: Hank becomes a good lawyer with justice like his father at the end.
5th Paragraph
  • Analysis The Judge
  • Why Hank changes and how he changes
  • The struggles between Hank and his Father (Believe and obey in Law or not)
6th Paragraph
  • Analysis between two movies, Me And You and The Judge
  • What does the main characters share in commence
  • What change them (The faith of helping people they love)
7th Paragraph
  • Restate the thesis statement
  • Conclusion of the body paragraphs
  • What do both of the story tell us
  • What I think I learn from the stories
  • Advice for the future


Snow Day Poem

Happy Snow Day

There is a wonderful holiday only happens in winter
It is the holy snow day
Check your email every morning before classes
Maybe you have a snow day!
Enjoy the hot chocolate, the snowman and the snow angel in the day
There will be no class, no sports and no tests
Be free to stay up late in this sleepy holiday
And have fun in playing snow at the freezing weather
Even though it is inconvenient, dirty and slippery, it is joyful to have a free day in home for students
Enjoy yourself in the white snow, and happy snow day! 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Movie Summary: The Judge

There are so many movies in the world these days, but only of few of them can really touch people's feeling. The Judge is one of those good movies. It is a movie that describes not only the story but the people in the story.
In the movie, it tells a story about Hank Palmer. Hank works as a lawyer in city. He has great talent about this job, he wins many trails for his clients. But he is not a good lawyer, he works mostly for money. So he willing to defense for bad people against justice and gets a great deal of money for return. Because of this, Hank has a bad relationship with his father Joseph Palmer, who is the judge of Hank's hometown. Hank's father is the opposite of him, Joseph Palmer is the most loyalty person to the law. He works as a judge, but none of his cases are judged wrong. He also helps those people who made mistake continue their lives. Because all of judge Joseph Palmer's good works, he has great reputation in the town.
But suddenly, Hank's mother passes away. Hank has to go back to his hometown for the funeral. At the funeral, Hank meets his father, but both of them treat each other like strangers. Then judge Joseph is charged for killing a pervasive defendant. Hank's brother convinces Hank to defense his father. In the process, Hank and his father have a lot conflicts. For example, Hank think law is nothing, so he can lie, trick and fake in the court to get his father not guilty. But his father thinks law is the every thing, if there are enough evidence to judge him guilty, then he will admit his guilty. In the processes of investigation, Hank knows more about his father. He overcomes the biggest struggles that goes with him for a long time: why his father never pays attention(Love) to him. Then he knows that his father is actually loves him, more than anyone else. His father keeps Hank away because he does not want Hank become a bad person like the defendant. After being for a long time with his father, Hank releases that his father is the most and very integrity. Hank changes a lot in this event. When he comes back to city, he is not the lawyer who willing to help bad people escape from judgements. He becomes justice and integrity just like his father.
So the story of The Judge is about Hank and his father in this murder case. But the movie pay attention to Hank as a person. There are many scenes that describes the conflicts between Hank and his father, as well as the struggling of Hank. At the end, Hank changes to a person like his father, he learns many things from his father and inherits from his father. It is one of the best movies I saw last year.

Movie: The Judge

The Judge

  Hank Palmer: Main character, who is a big lawyer in the city. He works for money and feel empathy for other people.
  Judge Joseph Palmer: Hank's father, who is the judge of Hank's hometown. He works for other people, and helps other people. But has bad relationship with Hank. Who is the main course of Hank's changes.

In the story, Hank is a lawyer who has good skills but never uses it in good ways. This is the opposite of his father, who is the judge of the town and always willing to help normal people. When the judge is involve in a murder, Hank try's to help his father in his own "dirty" way. But this makes Hank's relationship with his father even worse. As the investigation goes on, Hank's thinking changes because of his father. He know that he father love him and he changes to be a good person. After this event, Hank return to city. Hank becomes a honesty and justice lawyer like his father.

Monday, February 1, 2016


1. The Judge: A big lawyer Hank came back to his hometown where is a small town. His father was the judge of the town and owned a lot of accomplishments was involved in a murder. The lawyer tired to help his father by using his way. In the process of it, he change from an empathy person to a good lawyer who helps people, and reconnect with his father and brothers

2. Ant-Man: A thief named Scott got a special suit that can let him become small like an ant. He was taught how to use this unit by Hank Pym who was the person who develop the ant suit. And they tried to stop an evil plan to save the world.

3. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: A normal worker of a famous magazine company Walter Mitty, who like to day dreams a lot. One day, he has to find an important photo for the company, the photo was on a photographer who travel around the world. In order to find the photo, Walter started his adventure around the would and he became a real hero in his life.