Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winter Break Story

It was January 1st, the first day of year 2016. At the morning, I met with Benny who is my friends from middle school. We planed to go to Zhenjia, where is a big shopping mall in our city. There are restaurants, game shops and a cinema in there. Both of us agreed that it is the best place to go.
But many people also thought the same with us. When we went to Zhenjia, there were people everywhere. We could not even see the road. There were like thousands of people, we could not move and had to wait for a moment in the cloud of people. We could not see any movies, because there was no any tickets left. At this time, I was very sad because I had not see Benny for a long time, but there is no place for us to enjoy. Then I found out there were 6 of our classmate in Comics Palce, where is far away from Zhenjia. According to them, there were less people. Even though it was far away, we still decide to go there since we could not find any place to stay in Zhenjia. On the underground to go there, I and Benny talked a lot. We talked about games at first, then about our school, our classmates and our study. I noticed that Benny's life was very hard in Chinese high school. He had so much homework to do and had almost no time to rest in workdays. And Benny really study very hard. It was a long way to go there, but I and Benny had a good time in the underground. 
Finally, we met our old classmate after half an hour on the underground. It was nice to meet my old classmates. I remember the time I was in middle school. The Comic Palace has many comic books and toys, which are my favorite. It was like a gold mine for me. We had a wonderful day at the first day of 2016, it seems like this year will be awesome!

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