Friday, October 30, 2015


I never saw man cook or enter the kitchen in Korea
I did not have much money in Korea
I had to respect the elder all the time
I did babysitting for free
I never saw people kiss at the public place

I see professor cooks for his family
I see Ellen can buy the things she wants
I can talk to elder normally
I get pay from babysitting my professor's children
I see people kiss each other.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

In Class Writing: Differences between me and Sookan

  When the time I first came to America, I felt nervous, panic and overwhelming just like Sookan. I remember when I was in the airport, I saw and heard people that different from me. They looked different, they have different skin color, different hair color and different style of dressing. And I found out I was in a different world, all of the poeple there were speaking English. Even though I could understand some of them, I still feel I was a stranger in the place. I stood near with my family, and I did not know what should I do.
  Fortunately, I went to America with my father and mother together. So I felt not as much as lonely as Sookan. But still, I anxiously followed my father where ever he went, because I was so afraid that I would lost in the crowd of the people who did not speak Chinese. I could not imagine what could I do if I really lost, could I communicate with them i English? 
  Lastly, bith Sookan and I were shy. Maybe because of the languages, I was afraid of talking to other American students when I first arrived here. I was always concerned about my gammer in English. I also tried to manage the sentence in my mind and then speak them out.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Questions of Chapter 3-4

1. Why Marci was lonely?
2. Why Sookan felt sorry to Marci?
3. Did Sookan like his job?
4. What did Sookan's mother wrote in the letter?
5. What did Sookan feel after she reading the letter?

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Gathering Pearls Author: Sook Nyul Choi

The author of Garthing Pearls is Sook Nyul Choi. Even though she writes in English, Korean is her mother language. She was born in North Korea, then she emigrated to America. And now she becomes a writer in America. She writes about the life in North Korea, Korean War and the influences between countries in her books. Her books have many rewards, she is a good writer. She also write stories for children. Lastly, She has written 6 books so far.

Reading & Writing Experience

Rujian, Zhou
Period G
Ms. Guarino
                                                            Adventures In My Head
    Reading and writing are two of the most important things in people’s life. I have read and written many things in my life. For reading, I usually imagine the scenes in the book. In this way, I can see the characters, the places and all the things in my head like watching movie. For writing, I recall my memories with details. Then I can write the story down with beautiful words, and good sentences that describes the story. Every time I read or write something, it is like an amazing adventure happening in my head. Because of this, I enjoy the time when I am reading or writing.
    There are many things that I have read and written since I was born, like the fairy tales and diaries. But the first time I considered I read something is The Graver Robbers’ Chronicles, which is a wonderful horror fiction written in chinese. The story is very long, there are 9 books in total. And the main story is about the tombs and zombies. I still remember that I could not sleep at night when I was reading it. Because when I was reading it, the scenes of gloomy tombs as well as the bloody zombies appeared in my head. I also write essays in my old school, but they are written in Chinese. The first thing I write in English was a Personal Narrative for my writing class last year. It was about what I felt studying in America. When I was writing it, I tried very hard to recall what I did for going abroad. Then pictures from the past appeared in my head, I felt I was watching a movie about myself.
    In my opinion, I like to read because the stories are always long and interesting in a book. I can know more in a book than a movie. People usually watch a movie for one or two hours, but reading a book always takes more time than that. There are more contents in a book, so I can know more about the setting, characters and plots. I read a lot in China, there are many articles in the textbook of my old school. Since I have come to America, I read less than before. Because it is hard for me to read in English. There are always words that I don’t understand in the book, which I have to search. Because of this, read something in English takes more time for me. It likes a challenge for me to read in English, but I feel proud after reading an English article.
    I like to read things like fantasy. Fantasy never let me down, there are always good stories in a fantasy book. More importantly, the worlds in the book are amazing, like the magical world in Harry Potter. I am curious about the lifes in the world of Harry Potter, and this curiosity push me to read the book. Reading a Fantasy book is the best way to use my imaginations, and I always enjoys the time when I am reading it.
    My favourite book that I have read in English for my class is The Absolutely True Diary of A Part Time Indian. This book was my summer reading last year. It is a very interesting book about an Indian boy’s life. It is written in a very childish way, which is very funny for me. Sometime I laugh when I am reading it. Also, there are not very complex words in the book. So I can easily read it and I do not feel boring when I am reading it.
    The Graver Robbers’ Chronicles is my favourite book in general. Its story which is about a tomb robber is very attractive. The writer uses more than hundreds or words to describe tombs in the book. Because of this, readers can easily imagine what are the tombs like in the book. Also, the adventure of the main characters makes reader nervous. Especially when they were trapped in a tomb in one chapter, I am very afraid of they could not get out. It is a good book that worth reader to read.
    In conclusion, I have some reading and writing experience but I am definitely not an expert of them. And I am looking forward to read and write more, as well as improving my reading and writing skills.